How does it work?

We use a downloadable App on your phone or Tablet for your time with the doctor.

What kind of care do you provide?

We provide Non-Emergent Care.  Any problems that are life or limb-threatening should be seen at your closest medical center.  These include chest pain, significant abdominal pain, significant injuries, and similar issues.

Do you accept Insurance?

We do not accept insurance.  This allows us to be free of the bureaucratic rules that manipulate and influence health care.

What is the cost?

The first visit will be $300.  This will include guidance in setting up your virtual office.  After this the cost will be $72 for a routine visit.

Are there discounts?

We currently offer a $12 discount if you fill out a short questionnaire to help us improve our practice.  The discount will be applied to your next visit.

In what states do you practice?

We currently provide medical care for patients living in  New Mexico and will be expanding next to Florida.

Can you prescribe medications?

Yes. Before you have your first home visit, you will provide your pharmacy information.  Any prescriptions will be sent at the completion of your visit.

Is Doctors House Call HIPAA compliant?

Yes, unlike Zoom, our Virtual Exam Room provides a HIPAA compliant environment to assure a “confidential doctor to patient” relationship.

Do you prescribe narcotics?

We do not write for narcotics or other Schedule 2 drugs.

What is the experience of the providers at Doctors House Call?

All providers have Emergency Room experience, as well as in telemedicine.